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The birth of the modern Olympic movement

已有 659 次阅读2008-5-17 14:31 |个人分类:贴帖

Olympic movement originating from the European capitalist industrialization era. With a solid socio-economic, political, and cultural foundation for the support and adapted to the needs of social development and the trend of sports development, human society entered the industrial civilization after the beginning of a great social practice, have the following background.

Six background of the times

1. Thinking of the three major cultural movement for the Olympic movement began laying the ideological foundation. 14-18 century, the European continent in three large-scale ideological and cultural movement, namely: the Renaissance, the Reformation and the Enlightenment. Zakai three major ideological and cultural movement of people's ideological shackles of a medieval feudal shackles, and cleared the path of capitalist development of the main ideas on the obstacles and ushered in the liberation of the mind and talented people and scientific prosperous period. Adapt to the new development of the productive forces and relations of production in need of new ideas and new scientific and cultural arts have returned at the same time, the new thinking on January 1 of modern sports Sports thought have emerged.

Three major ideological and cultural movement in the large number of great people and Europe in the Middle Ages the dark Christian asceticism tit-for-tat, they denounced abstinence and against humanity, pointed out that the desire is a legitimate purpose in life that must be established between the soul and physical harmony, advocate the importance of physical and mental unity on the body balanced and coordinated development, attach importance to physical health and fitness, so that people re-discovered the value of sports, recognizing that only good health can enjoy a happy life. Such thinking of the rise and establishment of traditional moral standards and the concept of beauty and ugliness there has been a fundamental change, the emergence of the Olympic movement laid the ideological foundation.

In the three major ideological and cultural campaigns, the humanist explore and collating the ancient Greek sport of the rich heritage, such as the ancient Olympic Games and other sports festival, ancient Athens and Sparta sports sports, the harmonious development of ancient Greece, physical and psychological education thinking, in ancient Greece a variety of sports, such as methods and means of movement. Humanist view of sports in ancient Greece with "Humanity 'attention to personal happiness, thus vigorously propagate, and sports in the modern thinking and practice, inherited legacy of sports in ancient Greece, in large measure, to organize regular sports of the modern Games, the focus on comprehensive physical development of the sports content and form. of such areas are subject to the impact of sports in ancient Greece.

2. Capitalist industrial production and bourgeois form. of education for the Olympic movement began to provide the suitable soil. Capitalist industrial revolution in human society to bring about a series of profound changes, which promote the development of the modern science, modern sports have a solid economic foundation to promote sports was a stronger vitality. As industrialized society in the production and life style. gives the physical, psychological bring about a series of tough challenges, prompted efforts to seek new, the ideal way of life, to physical activity a new awareness. People began to turn their attention to the improvement of the human body itself, and sports as a result of the new social needs further development.

From the Renaissance era, the educator put bourgeois sport as a personnel training an important means to be vigorously promoted, not only restored the ancient Greek sports system, but also the further development of the physical training of the various measures and actively explore various campaign methods , and strive to enable students receive a comprehensive physical development, sports have become an important, indispensable educational activities. 1423, the Italian humanist educators Vitorino founded a new school, follow the example of ancient Greece Stadium, known as the "Sports Palace." A school sports, both moral and intellectual approach to a variety of sports activities, a Renaissance era bourgeois education representatives. Vitorino educational thinking and practice sports, sports has prompted unprecedented attention, but also as a sport and an element of education began in school.

Reformation and the Enlightenment Movement in the search for more education on the establishment of a sports status. Martin representative of the bourgeoisie Reformation - Luther advocated sports should be a part of education. Czech educators Comenius test in accordance with the educational requirements of the bourgeoisie, the school sports a systematic exposition, and sports a more mature form. of the introduction of the school of education. He advocated school spacious stadium should be located should be undertaken in a wide range of sports activities to encourage students to the physical and mental health through participation in sports development. At the Faculty for the development of school sports has made important contributions to as the "Father of school sports." British educator Lockerbie in its "gentlemanly education" system, the education clearly divided into moral and intellectual education, sports three parts, noted that sports is the basis of all education, sports education in schools to become an indispensable component of the independent part. French Enlightenment thinkers Rousseau, in its famous "love John Stuart Mill," expounded his vision of natural and education, he asked closely integrate education and sports, that the natural law of sports education, children of all ages according to the different characteristics of stage, as well as children interest and sports-loving organizations, so as to nurture "both physically and mentally healthy" talent.

After the 19th century, and Britain has started a series of education reform, with Arnold at Rugby College of the most successful reform. He founded the "Sport of autonomy" system, and give full play sports value of the training and education function. Adoption of the reform, Rugby Public School students in a dynamic movement market and manage their own, not only has tempered the strong physique, but also cultivate a fair competition, unity, fraternity, to abide by the rules, courageous and indomitable morals and ideology, the ethos of the school school discipline have been greatly changed. Arnold's reform. firmly establish the sport in the education of the position, established the educational value of sports and social values, for the Olympic movement began to provide the suitable soil.

3. Excavated ruins of ancient Olympic Games arouse the people's yearning for the Olympic movement. In the 14-16 century Renaissance, the European emerging bourgeoisie warmly eulogized the spirit of sports in ancient Greece, so that people once again to recall the long devoid of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece. Ancient Olympic site has aroused people's yearning for a strong, Britain, France, Germany, and other countries hope that the scholars have access to the Olympic Games in ancient Greece to find the remains, but because the Turks blockade, this desire did not materialize.

Until 1766, the British scholar Chandler was allowed to enter Greece-spot inspection, he found that the site of the ancient Olympic Games. 1828 against the Turkish invasion of Greece support the French army corps of scholars excavating the site in Olympia, and then a number of precious cultural relics will be shipped to France Louvre exhibition.

January 10, 1852, Berlin, Germany Kuerchiwushi professor at the University of Peloponnese Peninsula visited in the home, the ancient Olympic Games issued a lengthy speech in the community caused greater repercussions. 1871, Germany and Greece reaching a comprehensive excavation of the ruins of ancient Olympic Games treaty. 1875-1881, led by the German scholar Kuerchiwushi Olympia on a six-year excavation. 1881, the ancient ruins of the main Olympic facilities finally freed. 1887, in Berlin at Olympia excavated from the large number of cultural relics aroused people's vision of the Olympic movement, people expect to return to the Olympic Games as soon as possible reality.

4. Sports trends of the international Olympic movement have created the conditions. In the second half of the 19th century, with free capitalism to monopoly capitalism and the transition to a world market, inter-ethnic barriers have been broken down, and sports also transcends national boundaries, there has been international exchanges and sports competitions, the formation of the international sports trend . As international sports competitions and the need for mutual exchanges, a number of individual international sports organizations have emerged one after another. In 1881 the first International Sports organizations - the establishment of the International Gymnastics Federation, in 1892 the International Rowing Federation and the Skating Union have been established. The formation of international sports organizations, sports competitions from the local tradition of the original, with the international. International sports organizations in the establishment of individual and international individual sports have flourished on the basis of the urgent requirements, organize people and the world's largest integrated Games for the modern Olympic Games have created the conditions. At the same time, international sports exchanges with the increase of a coordinated the activities of the sports international sports organizations on the birth became inevitable.

5. Rejuvenation of the rest of the world the Olympic Games for the Olympic movement to the rise of accumulated experience. The early 19th century, a number of countries in Europe and America for a rejuvenation of the Olympic Games attempts. 19 in the 1930s, Sweden's Lund University professor Sukar had plans to organize two local newspapers were referred to as the "Olympics" of the competition. From 1849 onwards, the annual session, the United Kingdom Dr. Brook organized decades-old "Olympic Festival."

After the mid-19th century, the Greeks desire to revive the ancient Olympic Games to revive the ancient Greek civilization. King Otto in Greece, with the support of the Greeks in a Mingjiaozamoshi October 1, 1859 in Athens, an organization of the first session of the Pan-Greece Olympic Games. Since then, in 1870, 1875, 1887 and 1889, they have held four Panhellenic Games. Limited because of organizational mismanagement and the Greeks participate, Panhellenic Games did not continue to develop, but European countries have had a great impact on many countries of this newspaper Games have made several more detailed report, which led to the Greece greater than the local reaction, both positive and negative aspects of it from the Olympic movement to the rise of accumulated experience.

6. The threat of war and the aspirations of the people are yearning for peace promotion of the Olympic movement began. End of the 19th century, emerged in the world monopoly capitalism and imperialism, a new, powerful imperialist countries - Wilhelm II ruled Germany mounting the stage of history, and wants to use the war to re-divide the world clouded by war in the whole of Europe.

At this stage, Germany requested the voice of the high renaissance Olympic Games, some people with ulterior motives to the German people by initiating the Olympic Games, to expand its influence to dominate the world service. France is a close neighbor of Germany, if Germany launching the war, the first war of the disaster will reach the French people on. France strongly opposed the war and for maintaining world peace, the ancient Olympic Games peace, the spirit of friendship, exactly in line with the French people and the people of the world desire for peace. Rejuvenation of the Olympic Games is not only conducive to the development of international sports, but also help the people of France and Germany to dominate the peoples of the world opposed to the struggle in the world. Rejuvenation of the Olympic Games has become the people's urgent needs of this glorious historical mission landed on the shoulders of the French people.

Coubertin to the Olympic movement became a reality

France is recognized educator Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic he was the birth of the Olympic movement and made outstanding contributions to development. 1888, as France Coubertin school education, sports training Preparatory Committee for the Secretary-General. Coubertin in 1889 in the United States on behalf of the French participants at the International Boston sports training, a better understanding of the dynamics of the sports world, he considered that the development of modern sport is moving toward internationalization, we should use the experience of sports in ancient Greece and the traditional influence to promote the international sports, the Olympic Games is a cause of the rejuvenation of the idea. In order to achieve this idea of Coubertin done a lot of work.

1891, Coubertin founded "Sports comment" magazine, as a warm front publicize his idea, the founder of the Olympic Games and has played a positive role in promoting this. 1892, Coubertin visited Europe to promote the Olympic ideal. In November 25 sports in France to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Federation of Associations of the General Assembly, he made a famous speech, the first time openly and officially founded by the initiative of the modern Olympic Games. In his speech, Coubertin states: Modern Olympic Games should be like the ancient Olympic Games, solidarity, peace and friendship for the purpose, but it should be than the ancient Olympic Games in development and innovation, it should be to all countries, all regions and all peoples open, and held in the rotation the rest of the world. Coubertin's initiative to break through the modern Olympic Games from the outset ethnic and national boundaries and have a distinct international. 1893, Coubertin in Paris to convene a coordination meeting of international sports, unity and international sports, founder of the Olympic Games to discuss the issue. The following year, he will also own initiative written an open letter sent to many countries, sports clubs, sports clubs have a lot of support.

Various factors in the international community for the promotion and the tireless efforts of Coubertin, the founder of the preparations for the Olympic Games finally ready. June 16, 1894 -24, according to the recommendations of Coubertin, from the United States, Britain, Russia, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Greece 12 of the 49 national sports organizations, participants Balisuobang seminaries in the meeting of the International Congress of Physical Education and Sport. During the meeting, a total of 21 countries sent a letter to the General Assembly expressed their support and congratulations. The meeting adopted a resolution to set up the International Olympic Committee and official representatives from 79 of the first 15 people elected a member of the International Olympic Committee session. The Assembly also decided to hold the Olympic Games by the International Olympic Committee member of the International Olympic Committee President. As the first Olympic Games scheduled for 1896 in the Greek capital Athens, Greece Weikailashi members elected first President of the International Olympic Committee, the Secretary-General Coubertin. Mandated by the General Assembly are held every four years the Olympic Games, followed by the "amateur sports" resolution. The General Assembly also provided for the Olympic Games athletics competitions, water sports, swimming, rowing, sailing, fencing, wrestling, boxing, equestrian, shooting, gymnastics, such as ball games.

April 6, 1896 -15, the first modern Olympics was a session as scheduled to be held in Athens. Although the organization not perfect, but it is the official birth of the Olympic movement an important symbol of the future significance.

Olympic movement finally boarded the stage of history, the history of human civilization has opened and a new chapter.

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